
We all know we do our best work when we’re involved in a project we believe in and are excited about bringing to life. Because I want to do my best work, I strive to team with authors whose projects I truly believe in.

I believe that

• Stories are powerful

• Young people should have access to many stories that celebrate differences and diversity  and feature characters like themselves

• Literature helps us understand people we see as different from ourselves

• Books can be entertaining without being violent

• The more positive stories we create in the world, the better off the world will be

Me at 2. Determined to water these plants. And wear this bathing suit. Books about kids like me were few and far between.
Me at 2. Determined to water these plants. And wear this bathing suit. Books about kids with cerebral palsy were few and far between.

Imagine if we had more stories about people who

• Have disabilities and who are also capable

• Are comfortable with their bodies and have positive sexual experiences

• Speak up when they see an injustice

• Care about the planet

• Solve problems peacefully

• Are racially diverse

• Treat all genders with respect

• Listen to others with an open mind

Imagine what incredible examples these stories would be, what comfort they could provide for their readers. As a writer, you have the privilege of helping shape people’s perspectives.

Are you a writer who shares my wish for a joyful, inclusive, respectful world?  Let’s work together!